Thursday 13 March 2008

Mr Fanagan's Daily Update

Thursday 13th, 9 pm

We've just finished our group meeting, after a long, satisfying day. The mood was wonderfully upbeat. We were told we shifted about 30,000 kilos of earth.
We started digging at about 9 a.m. after being shown the first Habitat houses built in Csurgo. The town of about 6000 people suffers quite high unemployment and is a bit down at heel in places, though spotlessly clean and very safe: no crime to speak of. The two families were on site and the husbands,Istvan and Sandor,were digging the sewage trench with us all day. We saw the interiors of the duplex whose frame last year's Columban team had constructed. They're nearly finished and it is hoped the two families will take possession in May. Their pride in their emerging homes lifts the heart.
After a lunch break 12-2, we worked on till four. Dinner at 6 then a guided walk around Csurgo with our site supervisor,Peter. The town was rather eerily quiet. Now a few are playing pool, but I suspect many of us will be asleep early.

John Fanagan


Anonymous said...

I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy as I see you all! It looks like there has been no hanging around anyway. Well done you guys on making it this far. This is really the hard work but it's also so much fun and so rewarding!

I hope you have a very successful trip and I'll keep an eye on the progress.

Delighted to see so many of you posted up there. Well done to the photographer.....

Miss B

Humphrey Jones said...

Cheers Jano!!! I'm sure we'll have a ball. Second day is a bit tougher. Digging through stone at times! But we're getting there and hoping to finish the trenches today. We also are insulating and plastering a bit this afternoon and then the dreaded talent show!!!
