Monday 10 March 2008

We're off again!!!!

Hey there everyone. It's Monday the 10th March and we are but a few days to our departure for Hungary. The good news is that we have just reached our target of 34,000 and are looking forward to what will surely be a great trip. Taking flight on Wednesday will be:

Josh Buckingham

Edward Teggin

Philip Kidd

Alec Cherry

Kate Haslett

Fiona Boyd

Laura Hurley

Joanna Coldrick

Rebecca Scott

Rebecca Murtagh

Lauren Meyler

Poppy Vernon

Emma Davies

Jessica Dean

Gina Mirow

Also six members of staff will be heading:

Paul (The Hoover) Cron

Peter (Potts) Watts

John (Senior Plasterer & Head of Painting)

Humphrey (Insert Nickname here) Jones

Laura (Matron) Hanna

Frances (Painting age of ...) Heffernan

We would like to thank the entire community of the College for their support over the last few months and the many wonderful organisations and individuals that contributed so generously to our cause.

We will endeavour to post as many pictures, comments and funny highlights here over the next two weeks. Please make comments and support us!

1 comment:

SCC English Department said...

Good luck to all, from your brother blog, and please take especial care of the senior plasterer/plastered senior, our esteemed Head of English